Bootstrap5 滚动监听(Scrollspy)

2023-06-29 14:59 更新


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Bootstrap5 实例</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link href="" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="stylesheet">
  <script src="" rel="external nofollow"  rel="external nofollow"  rel="external nofollow" ></script>
<body data-bs-spy="scroll" data-bs-target=".navbar" data-bs-offset="50">

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm bg-dark navbar-dark fixed-top">
  <div class="container-fluid">
    <ul class="navbar-nav">
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#section1">Section 1</a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#section2">Section 2</a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#section3">Section 3</a>

<div id="section1" class="container-fluid bg-success text-white" style="padding:100px 20px;">
  <h1>Section 1</h1>
  <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>
  <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>

<div id="section2" class="container-fluid bg-warning" style="padding:100px 20px;">
  <h1>Section 2</h1>
  <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>
  <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>

<div id="section3" class="container-fluid bg-secondary text-white" style="padding:100px 20px;">
  <h1>Section 3</h1>
  <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>
  <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>



向您想要监听的元素(通常是 body)添加 data-bs-spy="scroll" 。

然后添加 data-bs-target 属性,它的值为导航栏的 id 或 class (.navbar)。这样就可以联系上可滚动区域。

注意可滚动项元素上的 id (<div id="section1">) 必须匹配导航栏上的链接选项 (<a href="#section1">)。

可选项data-bs-offset 属性用于计算滚动位置时,距离顶部的偏移像素。 默认为 10 px。

设置相对定位: 使用 data-spy="scroll" 的元素需要将其 CSS position 属性设置为 "relative" 才能起作用。


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Bootstrap5 实例</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link href="" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="stylesheet">
  <script src="" rel="external nofollow"  rel="external nofollow"  rel="external nofollow" ></script>
.scrollspy-example-2 {
    position: relative;
    height: 350px;
    overflow: auto;
<body >

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-4">
        <nav id="navbar-example3" class="navbar navbar-light bg-light flex-column align-items-stretch p-3">
            <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar</a>
            <nav class="nav nav-pills flex-column">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#item-1">Item 1</a>
                <nav class="nav nav-pills flex-column">
                    <a class="nav-link ms-3 my-1" href="#item-1-1">Item 1-1</a>
                    <a class="nav-link ms-3 my-1" href="#item-1-2">Item 1-2</a>
                <a class="nav-link" href="#item-2">Item 2</a>
                <a class="nav-link active" href="#item-3">Item 3</a>
                <nav class="nav nav-pills flex-column">
                    <a class="nav-link ms-3 my-1" href="#item-3-1">Item 3-1</a>
                    <a class="nav-link ms-3 my-1 active" href="#item-3-2">Item 3-2</a>
    <div class="col-8">
        <div data-bs-spy="scroll" data-bs-target="#navbar-example3" data-bs-offset="0" class="scrollspy-example-2" tabindex="0">
            <h4 id="item-1">Item 1</h4>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h5 id="item-1-1">Item 1-1</h5>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h5 id="item-1-2">Item 1-2</h5>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h4 id="item-2">Item 2</h4>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h4 id="item-3">Item 3</h4>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h5 id="item-3-1">Item 3-1</h5>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h5 id="item-3-2">Item 3-2</h5>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Bootstrap5 实例</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link href="" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  rel="stylesheet">
  <script src="" rel="external nofollow"  rel="external nofollow"  rel="external nofollow" ></script>
.scrollspy-example {
    position: relative;
    height: 200px;
    margin-top: .5rem;
    overflow: auto;
<body >

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-4">
        <div id="list-example" class="list-group">
            <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" href="#list-item-1">Item 1</a>
            <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" href="#list-item-2">Item 2</a>
            <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" href="#list-item-3">Item 3</a>
            <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action active" href="#list-item-4">Item 4</a>
    <div class="col-8">
        <div data-bs-spy="scroll" data-bs-target="#list-example" data-bs-offset="0" class="scrollspy-example" tabindex="0">
            <h4 id="list-item-1">Item 1</h4>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h4 id="list-item-2">Item 2</h4>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h4 id="list-item-3">Item 3</h4>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>
            <h4 id="list-item-4">Item 4</h4>
            <p>This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page. Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted. It's repeated throughout the component example. We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.</p>



