
2018-09-26 10:54 更新




as3redis Repository cwahlers


hiredis ★ Repository antirez pnoordhuis 这是官方的C语言客户端。支持全部的set命令,管道,事件驱动编程
credis Repository

libredis Repository


ServiceStack.Redis ★ Homepage demisbellot 这是Miguel De Icaza写的C#客户端的一个增强版分支。
Booksleeve ★ Homepage marcgravell 通过堆交换实现的高性能客户端。
Sider Homepage chakrit .NET4.0提供的简约客户端
TeamDev Redis Client Repository TeamDevPerugia 基于redis-sharp,提供基本通信功能的redis客户端,但是有一些不同的地方。
redis-sharp Repository migueldeicaza


C++ Client Repository


redis-clojure Repository ragge

Common Lisp

CL-Redis Repository Homepage BigThingist


Tiny Redis Repository Homepage aidezigns A Redis client for D2. Supports pipelining, transactions and Lua scripting


DartRedisClient ☺ ★ Homepage demisbellot A high-performance async/non-blocking Redis client for Dart

emacs lisp

eredis Repository justinhj Full Redis API plus ways to pull Redis data into an org-mode table and push it back when edited


Erldis Repository dialtone_japerk
Eredis Repository wooga 注重性能的redis客户端
sharded_eredis ☺ Repository jeremyonghiroeorz Wrapper around eredis providing process pools and consistent hashing.
Tideland Erlang/OTP Redis Client ☺ Repository themue A comfortable Redis client for Erlang/OTP support pooling, pub/sub and transactions.


redis.fy Repository bakkdoor A Fancy Redis client library


Go-Redis ☺ Repository SunOf27 Google Go Client and Connectors for Redis.
Radix ☺ ★ Repository fzzbt MIT licensed Redis client.
Redigo ☺ ★ Repository gburd Redigo is a Go client for the Redis database with support for Print-alike API, Pipelining (including transactions), Pub/Sub, Connection pooling, scripting.
Tideland Go Redis Client ☺ Repository themue A flexible Go Redis client able to handle all commands
godis ☺ Repository simonz05 A Redis client for Go.
gosexy/redis ☺ Repository Homepage xiam A Go client for redis built on top of the hiredis C client. Supports non-blocking connections and channel-based subscriptions.
goredis ☺ Repository xuyu A redis client for golang with full features
gore ☺ Repository keimoon A full feature redis Client for Go. Supports Pipeline, Transaction, LUA scripting, Pubsub, Connection Pool, Sentinel and client sharding
shipwire/redis ☺ Repository stephensearles A Redis client focused on streaming, with support for a print-like API, pipelining, Pub/Sub, and connection pooling.
redis.go Repository hoisie


redis Homepage

haskell-redis Repository Homepage old_sound 不积极维护,支持2.0以下版本


hxneko-redis Repository Homepage


iodis Repository ichverstehe


Jedis ☺ ★ Repository xetorthio
Redisson ☺ ★ Repository mrniko distributed and scalable Java data structures on top of Redis server
JRedis ☺ Repository Homepage SunOf27
JDBC-Redis Repository Homepage mavcunha
RJC Repository e_mzungu
redis-protocol ☺ Repository spullara Up to 2.6 compatible high-performance Java, Java w/Netty & Scala (finagle) client
aredis Repository
Asynchronous, pipelined client based on the Java 7 NIO Channel API
mod-redis Repository pmlopes Official asynchronous redis.io bus module for Vert.x
lettuce Repository ar3te Thread-safe client supporting async usage and key/value codecs
RedisClient ☺ Repository Cao XinYu redis client GUI tool


redis-lua ★ Repository JoL1hAHN
lua-hiredis Repository agladysh Lua bindings for the hiredis library


redis-octave Repository markuman A Redis client in pure Octave


redis ☺ Repository Homepage
Redis client for Nimrod


node_redis ☺ ★ Repository mranney Recommended client for node.
spade ☺ Repository rootslab ♠ Spade, a full-featured modular client for node.
then-redis ☺ Repository mjackson A small, promise-based Redis client for node
redis-node-client Repository fictorial No longer maintained, does not work with node 0.3.


ObjCHiredis Repository loopole iOS4设备和模拟器的静态库,为MacOS10.5及以上版本增加Objective-C框架。


Redis ☺ ★ Repository Homepage pedromelo Perl binding for Redis database
RedisDB ☺ Repository Homepage trinitum Perl binding for Redis database with fast XS-based protocolparser
Redis::hiredis ☺ Homepage neophenix Perl binding for the hiredis C client
AnyEvent::Redis Repository Homepage miyagawa Non-blocking Redis client
AnyEvent::Redis::RipeRedis☺ Repository Homepage iph Flexible non-blocking Redis client with reconnect feature
AnyEvent::Hiredis ☺ Repository Homepage
Non-blocking client using the hiredis C library
Mojo::Redis ☺ Repository Homepage und3f marcusrambergjhthorsen asynchronous Redis client for Mojolicious
Danga::Socket::Redis Homepage martinredmond An asynchronous redis client using the Danga::Socket async library


Predis ☺ ★ Repository JoL1hAHN Mature and supported
phpredis ☺ ★ Repository yowgi This is a client written in C as a PHP module.
Rediska ☺ Repository Homepage shumkov
RedisServer Repository eugeniyoz Standalone and full-featured class for Redis in PHP
Redisent ☺ Repository justinpoliey
Credis Repository colinmollenhour Lightweight, standalone, unit-tested fork of Redisent which wraps phpredis for best performance if available.
phpish/redis Repository sandeepshetty Simple Redis client in PHP
PHP Sentinel Client ☺ Repository jamescauwelier A PHP sentinel client acting as an extension to your regular redis client
Yampee Redis Repository tgalopin A full-featured Redis client for PHP 5.2. Easy to use and to extend.

Pure Data

Puredis Repository loopole 同步,异步和订阅客户端。


redis-py ★ Repository andymccurdy 成熟有支持,现在看来适用于python。
txredis Homepage dio_rian
txredisapi ☺ Homepage fiorix Full featured, non-blocking client for Twisted.
desir Repository aallamaa
brukva ☺ Repository evilkost Asynchronous Redis client that works within Tornado IO loop


redis-rb ★ Repository Homepage ezmobius soveran djanowskipnoordhuis 非常稳定和成熟的客户端。为保证最大性能安装redis-rb之前需要安装hiredis gem。
em-hiredis Repository mloughran An EventMachine Redis client (uses hiredis).
em-redis Repository madsimian
redic ☺ Repository soveran cyx Lightweight Redis Client


rust-redis ☺ Repository mneumann A Rust client library for Redis.
redis-rs ☺ Repository mitsuhiko A fairly high level client library for Redis.


scala-redis Repository alejandrocrosa
scala-redis ☺ ★ Repository debasishg Apparently a fork of the original client from @alejandrocrosa
redis-client-scala-netty Repository

sedis Repository pk11 a thin scala wrapper for the popular Redis Java client, Jedis
scala-redis-client ☺ Repository thesmithheychinaski An idiomatic Scala client that keeps Jedis / Java hidden. Used in production athttp://top10.com.
scredis ☺ Repository livestream Scredis is an advanced Redis client entirely written in Scala. Used in production at http://Livestream.com.
rediscala ☺ Repository etaty A Redis client for Scala (2.10+) and (AKKA 2.2+) with non-blocking and asynchronous I/O operations.
Brando Repository chrisdinn A Redis client written with the Akka IO package introduced in Akka 2.2.


redis-client Repository Homepage carld A Redis client for Chicken Scheme 4.7


Smalltalk Redis Client Repository


Tcl Client Repository antirez The client used in the Redis test suite. Not really full featured nor designed to be used in the real world.
Retcl Repository gahrgahr Retcl is an asynchronous, event-driven Redis client library implemented as a single-file Tcl module.


libvmod-redis ☺ Repository carlosabalde Varnish Cache module using the synchronous hiredis library API to access Redis servers from VCL.


This is an additional list of libraries that are not direct layers on top of the Redis API, but higher level libraries such as ORMs, messaging libraries, and other misc tools that are designed for Redis.

Resque Repository defunkt Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later. (Ruby)
Rq Repository nvie Minimalistic Python task queue. Supports only Redis. (Python)
Celery Repository asksolem Python task queue. Supports multiple backends. (Python)
Fnordmetric Repository paulasmuth Redis/ruby-based realtime Event-Tracking app. (Ruby)
Ohm Repository soveran Object-hash mapping library for Redis. (Ruby)
Kombu Repository
Python AMQP Framework with redis suppport (Python)
Sider Repository hongminhee Python persistent object library based on Redis. (Python)
Redis-objects Repository nateware Map Redis types directly to Ruby objects. (Ruby)
Redisco Repository iamteem Loose implementation of Ohm in Python (see above for Ohm project) - Warning: Not actively maintained at the moment. (Python)
Redis-rdb-tools Repository srithedabbler Parse Redis dump.rdb files, Analyze Memory, and Export Data to JSON. (Python)
Rdb-parser Repository pconstr node.js asynchronous streaming parser for redis RDB database dumps. (Javascript)
Redis-sync Repository pconstr A node.js redis replication slave toolkit (Javascript)
Ost Repository soveran Redis based queues and workers. (Ruby)
Meerkat Repository carlhoerberg Rack middleware for Server Sent Events with multiple backends. (Ruby)
Redis-sampler Repository antirez Sample a Redis DB to understand dataset composition. (Ruby)
Recommendify Repository paulasmuth Ruby/Redis based recommendation engine (collaborative filtering). (Ruby)
Redis-store Repository jodosha Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks. (Ruby)
Redmon Repository steel_thread A web interface for managing redis: cli, admin, and live monitoring. (Ruby)
Rollout Repository jamesgolick Conditionally roll out features with redis. (Ruby)
Webdis Repository Homepage yowgi A Redis HTTP interface with JSON output. (C)
Soulmate Repository seatgeek Redis-backed service for fast autocompleting. (Ruby)
Redis_failover Repository ryanlecompte Redis Failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby. (Ruby)
Redis-dump Repository solutious Backup and restore your Redis data to and from JSON. Warning: alpha code. (Ruby)
Sidekiq Repository mperham Simple, efficient message processing for your Rails 3 application. (Ruby)
Omhiredis Repository taotetek redis output plugin for rsyslog (rsyslog dev, and rsyslog head). (C)
Mod_redis Repository
An Apache HTTPD module for speaking to redis via HTTP (C)
leaderboard Repository czarneckid Leaderboards backed by Redis. (Ruby)
Redis-rdb Repository JoL1hAHN A set of utilities to handle Redis .rdb files with Ruby. (Ruby)
Lua-ohm Repository
Lua Redis Object-hash-mapping and more (Lua)
PHP-Resque Repository surfichris Port of Resque to PHP. (PHP)
phpRedisAdmin Repository
phpRedisAdmin is a simple web interface to manage Redis databases. (PHP)
HighcoTimelineBundle Repository stephpy TimelineBundle is a Bundle which works with Symfony 2.* which provides a timeline for a subject as Facebook can do. (PHP)
Stdnet Repository lsbardel Redis data manager with advanced query and search API. (Python)
Retools Repository benbangert Caching and locking helper library. (Python)
Redback Repository chris6F Higher-level Redis constructs - social graph, full text search, rate limiting, key pairs. (Javascript)
Recurrent Repository pconstr A redis-backed manager of recurrent jobs, for node.js (Javascript)
Amico Repository czarneckid Relationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis. (Ruby)
Redis Qi4j EntityStore Repository Homepage eskatos Qi4j EntityStore backed by Redis (Java)
Spring Data Redis Repository Homepage costinl Spring integration for Redis promoting POJO programming, portability and productivity (Java)
PHPRedMin Repository sasanrose Yet another web interface for Redis with multi-server support (PHP)
redis-tcl Repository bradvothantirez Tcl library largely copied from the redis test tree, modified for minor bug fixes and expanded pub/sub capabilities (Tcl)
Redis Desktop Manager Repository Homepage u_glide Cross-platform desktop GUI management tool for Redis (C++)
Nydus Repository Homepage zeeg Connection clustering and routing for Redis and Python. (Python)
redis-mount Repository Homepage poying redis-mount lets you use Redis as a filesystem. (Go)




