Command\Command (Component\Console)


class Command

Base class for all commands.


__construct(string|null $name = null)



Ignores validation errors.

setApplication(Application $application = null)

Sets the application instance for this command.

setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet)

Sets the helper set.

HelperSet getHelperSet()

Gets the helper set.

Application getApplication()

Gets the application instance for this command.

bool isEnabled()

Checks whether the command is enabled or not in the current environment.

int run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)

Runs the command.

Command setCode(callable $code)

Sets the code to execute when running this command.

mergeApplicationDefinition(bool $mergeArgs = true)

Merges the application definition with the command definition.

Command setDefinition(array|InputDefinition $definition)

Sets an array of argument and option instances.

InputDefinition getDefinition()

Gets the InputDefinition attached to this Command.

InputDefinition getNativeDefinition()

Gets the InputDefinition to be used to create representations of this Command.

Command addArgument(string $name, int $mode = null, string $description = '', mixed $default = null)

Adds an argument.

Command addOption(string $name, string $shortcut = null, int $mode = null, string $description = '', mixed $default = null)

Adds an option.

Command setName(string $name)

Sets the name of the command.

Command setProcessTitle(string $title)

Sets the process title of the command.

string getName()

Returns the command name.

Command setDescription(string $description)

Sets the description for the command.

string getDescription()

Returns the description for the command.

Command setHelp(string $help)

Sets the help for the command.

string getHelp()

Returns the help for the command.

string getProcessedHelp()

Returns the processed help for the command replacing the and %command.full_name% patterns with the real values dynamically.

Command setAliases(string[] $aliases)

Sets the aliases for the command.

array getAliases()

Returns the aliases for the command.

string getSynopsis(bool $short = false)

Returns the synopsis for the command.

addUsage(string $usage)

Add a command usage example.

array getUsages()

Returns alternative usages of the command.

mixed getHelper(string $name)

Gets a helper instance by name.


public __construct(string|null $name = null)



string|null $name The name of the command; passing null means it must be set in configure()


LogicException When the command name is empty

public ignoreValidationErrors()

Ignores validation errors.

This is mainly useful for the help command.

public setApplication(Application $application = null)

Sets the application instance for this command.


Application $application An Application instance

public setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet)

Sets the helper set.


HelperSet $helperSet A HelperSet instance

public HelperSet getHelperSet()

Gets the helper set.

Return Value

HelperSet A HelperSet instance

public Application getApplication()

Gets the application instance for this command.

Return Value

Application An Application instance

public bool isEnabled()

Checks whether the command is enabled or not in the current environment.

Override this to check for x or y and return false if the command can not run properly under the current conditions.

Return Value


public int run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)

Runs the command.

The code to execute is either defined directly with the setCode() method or by overriding the execute() method in a sub-class.


InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance
OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance

Return Value

int The command exit code



See also


public Command setCode(callable $code)

Sets the code to execute when running this command.

If this method is used, it overrides the code defined in the execute() method.


callable $code A callable(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)

Return Value

Command The current instance



See also


public mergeApplicationDefinition(bool $mergeArgs = true)

Merges the application definition with the command definition.

This method is not part of public API and should not be used directly.


bool $mergeArgs Whether to merge or not the Application definition arguments to Command definition arguments

public Command setDefinition(array|InputDefinition $definition)

Sets an array of argument and option instances.


array|InputDefinition $definition An array of argument and option instances or a definition instance

Return Value

Command The current instance

public InputDefinition getDefinition()

Gets the InputDefinition attached to this Command.

Return Value

InputDefinition An InputDefinition instance

public InputDefinition getNativeDefinition()

Gets the InputDefinition to be used to create representations of this Command.

Can be overridden to provide the original command representation when it would otherwise be changed by merging with the application InputDefinition.

This method is not part of public API and should not be used directly.

Return Value

InputDefinition An InputDefinition instance

public Command addArgument(string $name, int $mode = null, string $description = '', mixed $default = null)

Adds an argument.


string $name The argument name
int $mode The argument mode: InputArgument::REQUIRED or InputArgument::OPTIONAL
string $description A description text
mixed $default The default value (for InputArgument::OPTIONAL mode only)

Return Value

Command The current instance

public Command addOption(string $name, string $shortcut = null, int $mode = null, string $description = '', mixed $default = null)

Adds an option.


string $name The option name
string $shortcut The shortcut (can be null)
int $mode The option mode: One of the InputOption::VALUE_* constants
string $description A description text
mixed $default The default value (must be null for InputOption::VALUEREQUIRED or InputOption::VALUENONE)

Return Value

Command The current instance

public Command setName(string $name)

Sets the name of the command.

This method can set both the namespace and the name if you separate them by a colon (:)



string $name The command name

Return Value

Command The current instance


InvalidArgumentException When the name is invalid

public Command setProcessTitle(string $title)

Sets the process title of the command.

This feature should be used only when creating a long process command, like a daemon.

PHP 5.5+ or the proctitle PECL library is required


string $title The process title

Return Value

Command The current instance

public string getName()

Returns the command name.

Return Value

string The command name

public Command setDescription(string $description)

Sets the description for the command.


string $description The description for the command

Return Value

Command The current instance

public string getDescription()

Returns the description for the command.

Return Value

string The description for the command

public Command setHelp(string $help)

Sets the help for the command.


string $help The help for the command

Return Value

Command The current instance

public string getHelp()

Returns the help for the command.

Return Value

string The help for the command

public string getProcessedHelp()

Returns the processed help for the command replacing the and %command.full_name% patterns with the real values dynamically.

Return Value

string The processed help for the command

public Command setAliases(string[] $aliases)

Sets the aliases for the command.


string[] $aliases An array of aliases for the command

Return Value

Command The current instance


InvalidArgumentException When an alias is invalid

public array getAliases()

Returns the aliases for the command.

Return Value

array An array of aliases for the command

public string getSynopsis(bool $short = false)

Returns the synopsis for the command.


bool $short Whether to show the short version of the synopsis (with options folded) or not

Return Value

string The synopsis

public addUsage(string $usage)

Add a command usage example.


string $usage The usage, it'll be prefixed with the command name

public array getUsages()

Returns alternative usages of the command.

Return Value


public mixed getHelper(string $name)

Gets a helper instance by name.


string $name The helper name

Return Value

mixed The helper value


InvalidArgumentException if the helper is not defined

© 2004–2016 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.





