Module: tf.metrics

Module: tf.metrics

Module tf.metrics

Defined in tensorflow/python/ops/

Evaluation-related metrics.


accuracy(...): Calculates how often predictions matches labels.

auc(...): Computes the approximate AUC via a Riemann sum.

false_negatives(...): Computes the total number of false negatives.

false_positives(...): Sum the weights of false positives.

mean(...): Computes the (weighted) mean of the given values.

mean_absolute_error(...): Computes the mean absolute error between the labels and predictions.

mean_cosine_distance(...): Computes the cosine distance between the labels and predictions.

mean_iou(...): Calculate per-step mean Intersection-Over-Union (mIOU).

mean_per_class_accuracy(...): Calculates the mean of the per-class accuracies.

mean_relative_error(...): Computes the mean relative error by normalizing with the given values.

mean_squared_error(...): Computes the mean squared error between the labels and predictions.

mean_tensor(...): Computes the element-wise (weighted) mean of the given tensors.

percentage_below(...): Computes the percentage of values less than the given threshold.

precision(...): Computes the precision of the predictions with respect to the labels.

precision_at_thresholds(...): Computes precision values for different thresholds on predictions.

recall(...): Computes the recall of the predictions with respect to the labels.

recall_at_k(...): Computes recall@k of the predictions with respect to sparse labels.

recall_at_thresholds(...): Computes various recall values for different thresholds on predictions.

root_mean_squared_error(...): Computes the root mean squared error between the labels and predictions.

sensitivity_at_specificity(...): Computes the specificity at a given sensitivity.

sparse_average_precision_at_k(...): Computes average precision@k of predictions with respect to sparse labels.

sparse_precision_at_k(...): Computes precision@k of the predictions with respect to sparse labels.

specificity_at_sensitivity(...): Computes the specificity at a given sensitivity.

true_positives(...): Sum the weights of true_positives.

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