



Defined in tensorflow/contrib/bayesflow/python/ops/

See the guide: BayesFlow Entropy (contrib) > Ops

Monte Carlo estimate of the ratio appearing in Renyi divergence.

This can be used to compute the Renyi (alpha) divergence, or a log evidence approximation based on Renyi divergence.


With z_i iid samples from q, and exp{log_p(z)} = p(z), this Op returns the (biased for finite n) estimate:

(1 - alpha)^{-1} Log[ n^{-1} sum_{i=1}^n ( p(z_i) / q(z_i) )^{1 - alpha},
\approx (1 - alpha)^{-1} Log[ E_q[ (p(Z) / q(Z))^{1 - alpha} ]  ]

This ratio appears in different contexts:

Renyi divergence

If log_p(z) = Log[p(z)] is the log prob of a distribution, and alpha > 0, alpha != 1, this Op approximates -1 times Renyi divergence:

# Choose reasonably high n to limit bias, see below.
renyi_ratio(log_p, q, alpha, n=100)
                \approx -1 * D_alpha[q || p],  where
D_alpha[q || p] := (1 - alpha)^{-1} Log E_q[(p(Z) / q(Z))^{1 - alpha}]

The Renyi (or "alpha") divergence is non-negative and equal to zero iff q = p. Various limits of alpha lead to different special case results:

alpha       D_alpha[q || p]
-----       ---------------
--> 0       Log[ int_{q > 0} p(z) dz ]
= 0.5,      -2 Log[1 - Hel^2[q || p]],  (\propto squared Hellinger distance)
--> 1       KL[q || p]
= 2         Log[ 1 + chi^2[q || p] ],   (\propto squared Chi-2 divergence)
--> infty   Log[ max_z{q(z) / p(z)} ],  (min description length principle).

See "Renyi Divergence Variational Inference", by Li and Turner.

Log evidence approximation

If log_p(z) = Log[p(z, x)] is the log of the joint distribution p, this is an alternative to the ELBO common in variational inference.

L_alpha(q, p) = Log[p(x)] - D_alpha[q || p]

If q and p have the same support, and 0 < a <= b < 1, one can show ELBO <= D_b <= D_a <= Log[p(x)]. Thus, this Op allows a smooth interpolation between the ELBO and the true evidence.

Stability notes

Note that when 1 - alpha is not small, the ratio (p(z) / q(z))^{1 - alpha} is subject to underflow/overflow issues. For that reason, it is evaluated in log-space after centering. Nonetheless, infinite/NaN results may occur. For that reason, one may wish to shrink alpha gradually. See the Op renyi_alpha. Using float64 will also help.

Bias for finite sample size

Due to nonlinearity of the logarithm, for random variables {X_1,...,X_n}, E[ Log[sum_{i=1}^n X_i] ] != Log[ E[sum_{i=1}^n X_i] ]. As a result, this estimate is biased for finite n. For alpha < 1, it is non-decreasing with n (in expectation). For example, if n = 1, this estimator yields the same result as elbo_ratio, and as n increases the expected value of the estimator increases.

Call signature

User supplies either Tensor of samples z, or number of samples to draw n


  • log_p: Callable mapping samples from q to Tensors with shape broadcastable to q.batch_shape. For example, log_p works "just like" q.log_prob.
  • q: tf.contrib.distributions.Distribution. float64 dtype recommended. log_p and q should be supported on the same set.
  • alpha: Tensor with shape q.batch_shape and values not equal to 1.
  • z: Tensor of samples from q, produced by q.sample for some n.
  • n: Integer Tensor. The number of samples to use if z is not provided. Note that this can be highly biased for small n, see docstring.
  • seed: Python integer to seed the random number generator.
  • name: A name to give this Op.


  • renyi_result: The scaled log of sample mean. Tensor with shape equal to batch shape of q, and dtype = q.dtype.

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