Obtain Values For URI Parameters

Obtain Values For URI Parameters

const char *sqlite3_uri_parameter(const char *zFilename, const char *zParam);
int sqlite3_uri_boolean(const char *zFile, const char *zParam, int bDefault);
sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_uri_int64(const char*, const char*, sqlite3_int64);

These are utility routines, useful to VFS implementations, that check to see if a database file was a URI that contained a specific query parameter, and if so obtains the value of that query parameter.

If F is the database filename pointer passed into the xOpen() method of a VFS implementation when the flags parameter to xOpen() has one or more of the SQLITE_OPEN_URI or SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB bits set and P is the name of the query parameter, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns the value of the P parameter if it exists or a NULL pointer if P does not appear as a query parameter on F. If P is a query parameter of F has no explicit value, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns a pointer to an empty string.

The sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routine assumes that P is a boolean parameter and returns true (1) or false (0) according to the value of P. The sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routine returns true (1) if the value of query parameter P is one of "yes", "true", or "on" in any case or if the value begins with a non-zero number. The sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routines returns false (0) if the value of query parameter P is one of "no", "false", or "off" in any case or if the value begins with a numeric zero. If P is not a query parameter on F or if the value of P is does not match any of the above, then sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) returns (B!=0).

The sqlite3_uri_int64(F,P,D) routine converts the value of P into a 64-bit signed integer and returns that integer, or D if P does not exist. If the value of P is something other than an integer, then zero is returned.

If F is a NULL pointer, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns NULL and sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) returns B. If F is not a NULL pointer and is not a database file pathname pointer that SQLite passed into the xOpen VFS method, then the behavior of this routine is undefined and probably undesirable.

See also lists of Objects, Constants, and Functions.

SQLite is in the Public Domain.





