
module ActiveModel::Lint::Tests

Active Model Lint Tests

You can test whether an object is compliant with the Active Model API by including ActiveModel::Lint::Tests in your TestCase. It will include tests that tell you whether your object is fully compliant, or if not, which aspects of the API are not implemented.

Note an object is not required to implement all APIs in order to work with Action Pack. This module only intends to provide guidance in case you want all features out of the box.

These tests do not attempt to determine the semantic correctness of the returned values. For instance, you could implement valid? to always return true, and the tests would pass. It is up to you to ensure that the values are semantically meaningful.

Objects you pass in are expected to return a compliant object from a call to to_model. It is perfectly fine for to_model to return self.

Public Instance Methods

test_errors_aref() Show source

Errors Testing

Returns an object that implements [](attribute) defined which returns an Array of Strings that are the errors for the attribute in question. If localization is used, the Strings should be localized for the current locale. If no error is present, this method should return an empty Array.

# File activemodel/lib/active_model/lint.rb, line 97
def test_errors_aref
  assert model.respond_to?(:errors), "The model should respond to errors"
  assert model.errors[:hello].is_a?(Array), "errors#[] should return an Array"
test_model_naming() Show source


Model.model_name and Model#model_name must return a string with some convenience methods: # :human, :singular and :plural. Check ActiveModel::Naming for more information.

# File activemodel/lib/active_model/lint.rb, line 79
def test_model_naming
  assert model.class.respond_to?(:model_name), "The model class should respond to model_name"
  model_name = model.class.model_name
  assert model_name.respond_to?(:to_str)
  assert model_name.human.respond_to?(:to_str)
  assert model_name.singular.respond_to?(:to_str)
  assert model_name.plural.respond_to?(:to_str)

  assert model.respond_to?(:model_name), "The model instance should respond to model_name"
  assert_equal model.model_name, model.class.model_name
test_persisted?() Show source

Responds to persisted?

Returns a boolean that specifies whether the object has been persisted yet. This is used when calculating the URL for an object. If the object is not persisted, a form for that object, for instance, will route to the create action. If it is persisted, a form for the object will routes to the update action.

# File activemodel/lib/active_model/lint.rb, line 69
def test_persisted?
  assert model.respond_to?(:persisted?), "The model should respond to persisted?"
  assert_boolean model.persisted?, "persisted?"
test_to_key() Show source

Responds to to_key

Returns an Enumerable of all (primary) key attributes or nil if model.persisted? is false. This is used by dom_id to generate unique ids for the object.

# File activemodel/lib/active_model/lint.rb, line 29
def test_to_key
  assert model.respond_to?(:to_key), "The model should respond to to_key"
  def model.persisted?() false end
  assert model.to_key.nil?, "to_key should return nil when `persisted?` returns false"
test_to_param() Show source

Responds to to_param

Returns a string representing the object's key suitable for use in URLs or nil if model.persisted? is false.

Implementers can decide to either raise an exception or provide a default in case the record uses a composite primary key. There are no tests for this behavior in lint because it doesn't make sense to force any of the possible implementation strategies on the implementer. However, if the resource is not persisted?, then to_param should always return nil.

# File activemodel/lib/active_model/lint.rb, line 46
def test_to_param
  assert model.respond_to?(:to_param), "The model should respond to to_param"
  def model.to_key() [1] end
  def model.persisted?() false end
  assert model.to_param.nil?, "to_param should return nil when `persisted?` returns false"
test_to_partial_path() Show source

Responds to to_partial_path

Returns a string giving a relative path. This is used for looking up partials. For example, a BlogPost model might return “blog_posts/blog_post”

# File activemodel/lib/active_model/lint.rb, line 57
def test_to_partial_path
  assert model.respond_to?(:to_partial_path), "The model should respond to to_partial_path"
  assert_kind_of String, model.to_partial_path

© 2004–2017 David Heinemeier Hansson
Licensed under the MIT License.





