

package sys

Available on cpp, cs, hl, java, lua, macro, neko, php, python

This class allows you to get information about the files and directories.

See for the complementary file API.

Static methods

static absolutePath (relPath:String):String

Returns the full path of the file or directory specified by relPath, which is relative to the current working directory. The path doesn't have to exist.

If relPath is null, the result is unspecified.

static createDirectory (path:String):Void

Creates a directory specified by path.

This method is recursive: The parent directories don't have to exist.

If the directory cannot be created, an exception is thrown.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

static deleteDirectory (path:String):Void

Deletes the directory specified by path.

If path does not denote a valid directory, or if that directory cannot be deleted, an exception is thrown.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

static deleteFile (path:String):Void

Deletes the file specified by path.

If path does not denote a valid file, or if that file cannot be deleted, an exception is thrown.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

static exists (path:String):Bool

Tells if the file or directory specified by path exists.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

static fullPath (relPath:String):String

Returns the full path of the file or directory specified by relPath, which is relative to the current working directory. Symlinks will be followed and the path will be normalized.

If relPath is null, the result is unspecified.

static isDirectory (path:String):Bool

Tells if the file or directory specified by path is a directory.

If path is not a valid file system entry or if its destination is no accessible, an exception is thrown.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

static readDirectory (path:String):Array<String>

Returns the names of all files and directories in the directory specified by path.

If path does not denote a valid directory, an exception is thrown.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

static rename (path:String, newPath:String):Void

Renames/moves the file or directory specified by path to newPath.

If path is not a valid file system entry, or if it is not accessible, or if newPath is not accessible, an exception is thrown.

If path or newPath are null, the result is unspecified.

static stat (path:String):FileStat

Returns FileStat information on the file or directory specified by path.

If path is null, the result is unspecified.

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