

package haxe-macro

Available on all platforms

All these methods can be called for compiler configuration macros.

Static methods

static addClassPath (path:String):Void

Available on macro, neko

static addGlobalMetadata (pathFilter:String, meta:String, recursive:Bool = true, toTypes:Bool = true, toFields:Bool = false):Void

Available on macro, neko

Adds metadata meta to all types (if toTypes = true) or fields (if toFields = true) whose dot-path matches pathFilter.

If recursive is true a dot-path is considered matched if it starts with pathFilter. This automatically applies to path filters of packages. Otherwise an exact match is required.

If pathFilter is the empty String "" it matches everything (if recursive = true) or only top-level types (if recursive = false).

This operation has no effect if the type has already been loaded, e.g. through Context.getType.

static addMetadata (meta:String, className:String, ?field:String, ?isStatic:Bool):Void

Available on macro, neko

Add metadata to a (static) field or class by name. An error is thrown when className or field is invalid.

static addNativeArg (argument:String):Void

Available on macro, neko

Adds an argument to be passed to the native compiler (e.g. -javac-arg for Java).

static addNativeLib (name:String):Void

Available on macro, neko

Adds a native library depending on the platform (e.g. -swf-lib for Flash).

static allowPackage (v:String):Void

Available on macro, neko

static define (flag:String, ?value:String):Void

Available on macro, neko

Set a conditional compiler flag.

static exclude (pack:String, rec:Bool = true):Void

Available on macro, neko

Exclude a specific class, enum, or all classes and enums in a package from being generated. Excluded types become extern.



If true, recursively excludes all sub-packages.

static excludeFile (fileName:String):Void

Available on macro, neko

Exclude classes and enums listed in an extern file (one per line) from being generated.

static getDefine (key:Dynamic):Dynamic

A conditional compiler flag can be set command line using -D key=value.

Returns the value of a compiler flag.

If the compiler flag is defined but no value is set, Compiler.getDefine returns "1" (e.g. -D key).

If the compiler flag is not defined, Compiler.getDefine returns null.


static getDisplayPos ():Null<{pos:Int, file:String}>

Available on macro, neko

static getOutput ():String

Available on macro, neko

static include (pack:String, rec:Bool = true, ?ignore:Array<String>, ?classPaths:Array<String>, strict:Bool = false):Void

Available on macro, neko

Includes all modules in package pack in the compilation.

In order to include single modules, their paths can be listed directly on command line: haxe ... ModuleName pack.ModuleName.

By default Compiler.include will search for modules in the directories defined with -cp. If you want to specify a different set of paths to search for modules, you can use the optional argument classPath.



If true, recursively adds all sub-packages.


Array of module names to ignore for inclusion.


An alternative array of paths (directory names) to use to search for modules to include. Note that if you pass this argument, only the specified paths will be used for inclusion.


If true and given package wasn't found in any of class paths, fail with an error.

static includeFile (file:Dynamic, position:Dynamic):Dynamic

Available on js, lua

Embed a JavaScript file at compile time (can be called by --macro or within an __init__ method).

static includeFile (file:String, position:IncludePosition = Top):{pos:Position, expr:ExprDef}

Available on macro

Embed a JavaScript file at compile time (can be called by --macro or within an __init__ method).

static keep (?path:String, ?paths:Array<String>, recursive:Bool = true):Void

Available on macro, neko

Marks types or packages to be kept by DCE.

This also extends to the sub-types of resolved modules.

In order to include module sub-types directly, their full dot path including the containing module has to be used (e.g. msignal.Signal.Signal0).

This operation has no effect if the type has already been loaded, e.g. through Context.getType.



A package, module or sub-type dot path to keep.


An Array of package, module or sub-type dot paths to keep.


If true, recurses into sub-packages for package paths.

static patchTypes (file:String):Void

Available on macro, neko

Load a type patch file that can modify the field types within declared classes and enums.

static removeField (className:String, field:String, ?isStatic:Bool):Void

Available on macro, neko

Removes a (static) field from a given class by name. An error is thrown when className or field is invalid.

static setCustomJSGenerator (callb:JSGenApi ‑> Void):Void

Available on macro, neko

Change the default JS output by using a custom generator callback

static setFieldType (className:String, field:String, type:String, ?isStatic:Bool):Void

Available on macro, neko

Set the type of a (static) field at a given class by name. An error is thrown when className or field is invalid.

static setOutput (fileOrDir:String):Void

Available on macro, neko

© 2005–2016 Haxe Foundation
Licensed under a MIT license.





