

Handles updates of Drupal core and contributed projects.

The module checks for available updates of Drupal core and any installed contributed modules and themes. It warns site administrators if newer releases are available via the system status report (admin/reports/status), the module and theme pages, and optionally via e-mail. It also provides the ability to install contributed modules and themes via an user interface.




Name Description
theme_update_last_check Returns HTML for the last time we checked for update data.
update_cache_clear_submit Form submission handler for system_modules().
update_clear_update_disk_cache Clears the temporary files and directories based on file age from disk.
update_create_fetch_task Creates a new fetch task after loading the necessary include file.
update_cron Implements hook_cron().
update_delete_file_if_stale Deletes stale files and directories from the update manager disk cache.
update_fetch_data Attempts to fetch update data after loading the necessary include file.
update_flush_caches Implements hook_flush_caches().
update_form_system_modules_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for system_modules().
update_get_available Tries to get update information from cache and refreshes it when necessary.
update_help Implements hook_help().
update_init Implements hook_init().
update_mail Implements hook_mail().
update_manager_access Access callback: Resolves if the current user can access updater menu items.
update_menu Implements hook_menu().
update_refresh Refreshes the release data after loading the necessary include file.
update_theme Implements hook_theme().
update_themes_disabled Implements hook_themes_disabled().
update_themes_enabled Implements hook_themes_enabled().
update_verify_update_archive Implements hook_verify_update_archive().
_update_cache_clear Invalidates cached data relating to update status.
_update_cache_get Retrieves data from the private update status cache table.
_update_cache_set Stores data in the private update status cache table.
_update_get_cached_available_releases Returns all currently cached data about available releases for all projects.
_update_get_cache_multiple Returns an array of cache items with a given cache ID prefix.
_update_manager_cache_directory Returns the directory where update archive files should be cached.
_update_manager_extract_directory Returns the directory where update archive files should be extracted.
_update_manager_unique_identifier Returns a short unique identifier for this Drupal installation.
_update_message_text Returns the appropriate message text when site is out of date or not secure.
_update_no_data Returns a warning message when there is no data about available updates.
_update_project_status_sort Orders projects based on their status.


Name Description
UPDATE_CURRENT Project is up to date.
UPDATE_DEFAULT_URL URL to check for updates, if a given project doesn't define its own.
UPDATE_FETCH_PENDING We need to (re)fetch available update data for this project.
UPDATE_MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS Maximum number of attempts to fetch available update data from a given host.
UPDATE_MAX_FETCH_TIME Maximum number of seconds to try fetching available update data at a time.
UPDATE_NOT_CHECKED Project's status cannot be checked.
UPDATE_NOT_CURRENT Project has a new release available, but it is not a security release.
UPDATE_NOT_FETCHED There was a failure fetching available update data for this project.
UPDATE_NOT_SECURE Project is missing security update(s).
UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED Current release is no longer supported by the project maintainer.
UPDATE_REVOKED Current release has been unpublished and is no longer available.
UPDATE_UNKNOWN No available update data was found for project.

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Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 and later.
Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert.





