Admin page callbacks for the system module.




Name Description
system_actions_configure Menu callback; Creates the form for configuration of a single action.
system_actions_configure_submit Process system_actions_configure() form submissions.
system_actions_configure_validate Validate system_actions_configure() form submissions.
system_actions_delete_form Create the form for confirmation of deleting an action.
system_actions_delete_form_submit Process system_actions_delete form submissions.
system_actions_manage Menu callback; Displays an overview of available and configured actions.
system_actions_manage_form Define the form for the actions overview page.
system_actions_manage_form_submit Process system_actions_manage form submissions.
system_actions_remove_orphans Remove actions that are in the database but not supported by any enabled module.
system_action_delete_orphans_post Post-deletion operations for deleting action orphans.
system_add_date_formats_form_submit Process new date format string submission.
system_add_date_formats_form_validate Validate new date format string submission.
system_add_date_format_type_form Add new date type.
system_add_date_format_type_form_submit Process system_add_date_format_type form submissions.
system_add_date_format_type_form_validate Validate system_add_date_format_type form submissions.
system_admin_config_page Menu callback; Provide the administration overview page.
system_admin_index Menu callback; prints a listing of admin tasks, organized by module.
system_admin_menu_block_page Provide a single block from the administration menu as a page.
system_batch_page Default page callback for batches.
system_clean_url_settings Form builder; Configure clean URL settings.
system_clear_cache_submit Submit callback; clear system caches.
system_clear_page_cache_submit Submit callback; clear the page cache.
system_configure_date_formats_form Allow users to add additional date formats.
system_cron_settings Form builder; Cron form.
system_date_delete_format_form Menu callback; present a form for deleting a date format.
system_date_delete_format_form_submit Delete a configured date format.
system_date_time_formats Displays the date format strings overview page.
system_date_time_lookup Return the date for a given format string via Ajax.
system_date_time_settings Form builder; Configure the site date and time settings.
system_delete_date_format_type_form Menu callback; present a form for deleting a date type.
system_delete_date_format_type_form_submit Delete a configured date type.
system_file_system_settings Form builder; Configure the site file handling.
system_image_toolkit_settings Form builder; Configure site image toolkit usage.
system_ip_blocking Menu callback. Display blocked IP addresses.
system_ip_blocking_delete IP deletion confirm page.
system_ip_blocking_delete_submit Process system_ip_blocking_delete form submissions.
system_ip_blocking_form Define the form for blocking IP addresses.
system_logging_settings Form builder; Configure error reporting settings.
system_modules Menu callback; provides module enable/disable interface.
system_modules_confirm_form Display confirmation form for required modules.
system_modules_submit Submit callback; handles modules form submission.
system_modules_uninstall Builds a form of currently disabled modules.
system_modules_uninstall_confirm_form Confirm uninstall of selected modules.
system_modules_uninstall_submit Processes the submitted uninstall form.
system_modules_uninstall_validate Validates the submitted uninstall form.
system_performance_settings Form builder; Configure site performance settings.
system_php Menu callback: return information about PHP.
system_regional_settings Form builder; Configure the site regional settings.
system_rss_feeds_settings Form builder; Configure how the site handles RSS feeds.
system_run_cron Menu callback: run cron manually.
system_run_cron_submit Submit callback; run cron.
system_settings_overview Displays the configuration overview page.
system_site_information_settings Form builder; The general site information form.
system_site_information_settings_validate Validates the submitted site-information form.
system_site_maintenance_mode Form builder; Configure the site's maintenance status.
system_sort_modules_by_info_name Array sorting callback; sorts modules or themes by their name.
system_sort_themes Sorts themes by their names, with the default theme listed first.
system_status Menu callback: displays the site status report. Can also be used as a pure check.
system_themes_admin_form Form to select the administration theme.
system_themes_admin_form_submit Process system_themes_admin_form form submissions.
system_themes_page Menu callback; displays a listing of all themes.
system_theme_default Menu callback; Set the default theme.
system_theme_disable Menu callback; Disables a theme.
system_theme_enable Menu callback; Enables a theme.
system_theme_settings Form builder; display theme configuration for entire site and individual themes.
system_theme_settings_submit Process system_theme_settings form submissions.
system_theme_settings_validate Validator for the system_theme_settings() form.
theme_admin_block Returns HTML for an administrative block for display.
theme_admin_block_content Returns HTML for the content of an administrative block.
theme_admin_page Returns HTML for an administrative page.
theme_status_report Returns HTML for the status report.
theme_system_admin_index Returns HTML for the output of the dashboard page.
theme_system_date_time_settings Returns HTML for the date settings form.
theme_system_modules_fieldset Returns HTML for the modules form.
theme_system_modules_incompatible Returns HTML for a message about incompatible modules.
theme_system_modules_uninstall Returns HTML for a table of currently disabled modules.
theme_system_themes_page Returns HTML for the Appearance page.
_system_is_incompatible Recursively check compatibility.
_system_modules_build_row Build a table row for the system modules page.
_system_theme_settings_validate_path Helper function for the system_theme_settings form.

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