
class Regex::MatchData


Regex::MatchData is the type of the special variable $~, and is the type returned by Regex#match and String#match. It encapsulates all the results of a regular expression match.

if md = "Crystal".match(/[p-s]/)
  md.string # => "Crystal"
  md[0]     # => "r"
  md[1]?    # => nil

Many Regex::MatchData methods deal with capture groups, and accept an integer argument to select the desired capture group. Capture groups are numbered starting from 1, so that 0 can be used to refer to the entire regular expression without needing to capture it explicitly.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : Regex::MatchData)Source

def [](n)Source

Returns the match of the nth capture group, or raises an IndexError if there is no nth capture group.

"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil![1] # => "ys"
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil![2] # raises IndexError

def [](group_name : String)Source

Returns the match of the capture group named by group_name, or raises an ArgumentError if there is no such named capture group.

"Crystal".match(/r(?<ok>ys)/).not_nil!["ok"] # => "ys"
"Crystal".match(/r(?<ok>ys)/).not_nil!["ng"] # raises ArgumentError

def []?(group_name : String)Source

Returns the match of the capture group named by group_name, or nil if there is no such named capture group.

"Crystal".match(/r(?<ok>ys)/).not_nil!["ok"]? # => "ys"
"Crystal".match(/r(?<ok>ys)/).not_nil!["ng"]? # => nil

def []?(n)Source

Returns the match of the nth capture group, or nil if there isn't an nth capture group.

When n is 0, returns the match for the entire Regex.

"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil![0]? # => "rys"
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil![1]? # => "ys"
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil![2]? # => nil

def begin(n = 0)Source

Return the position of the first character of the nth match.

When n is 0 or not given, uses the match of the entire Regex. Otherwise, uses the match of the nth capture group.

"Crystal".match(/r/).not_nil!.begin(0)     # => 1
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil!.begin(1) # => 2
"クリスタル".match(/リ(ス)/).not_nil!.begin(0)    # => 1

def byte_begin(n = 0)Source

Return the position of the first byte of the nth match.

When n is 0 or not given, uses the match of the entire Regex. Otherwise, uses the match of the nth capture group.

"Crystal".match(/r/).not_nil!.byte_begin(0)     # => 1
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil!.byte_begin(1) # => 2
"クリスタル".match(/リ(ス)/).not_nil!.byte_begin(0)    # => 3

def byte_end(n = 0)Source

Return the position of the next byte after the match.

When n is 0 or not given, uses the match of the entire Regex. Otherwise, uses the match of the nth capture group.

"Crystal".match(/r/).not_nil!.byte_end(0)     # => 2
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil!.byte_end(1) # => 4
"クリスタル".match(/リ(ス)/).not_nil!.byte_end(0)    # => 9

def cloneSource

def dupSource

def end(n = 0)Source

Return the position of the next character after the match.

When n is 0 or not given, uses the match of the entire Regex. Otherwise, uses the match of the nth capture group.

"Crystal".match(/r/).not_nil!.end(0)     # => 2
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil!.end(1) # => 4
"クリスタル".match(/リ(ス)/).not_nil!.end(0)    # => 3

def inspect(io : IO)Source

def post_matchSource

Returns the part of the original string after the match. If the match ends at the end of the string, returns the empty string.

"Crystal".match(/yst/).not_nil!.post_match # => "al"

def pre_matchSource

Returns the part of the original string before the match. If the match starts at the start of the string, returns the empty string.

"Crystal".match(/yst/).not_nil!.pre_match # => "Cr"

def regex : RegexSource

Returns the original regular expression.

"Crystal".match(/[p-s]/).not_nil!.regex # => /[p-s]/

def size : Int32Source

Returns the number of capture groups, including named capture groups.

"Crystal".match(/[p-s]/).not_nil!.size          # => 0
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)/).not_nil!.size          # => 1
"Crystal".match(/r(ys)(?<ok>ta)/).not_nil!.size # => 2

def string : StringSource

Returns the original string.

"Crystal".match(/[p-s]/).not_nil!.string # => "Crystal"

def to_s(io : IO)Source

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