
struct BigFloat


A BigFloat can represent arbitrarily large floats.

It is implemented under the hood with GMP.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(Float)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigFloat)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(Int)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=

Instance methods inherited from struct Float

%(other) %, - -, <=>(other : BigRational)
<=>(other : BigInt) <=>
, days days, fdiv(other) fdiv, finite? finite?, hours hours, infinite? infinite?, milliseconds milliseconds, minutes minutes, modulo(other) modulo, nan? nan?, remainder(other) remainder, seconds seconds, to_big_i : BigInt to_big_i, to_io(io : IO, format : IO::ByteFormat) to_io, to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json

Class methods inherited from struct Float

from_io(io : IO, format : IO::ByteFormat) from_io

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigRational)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigInt)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=

Instance methods inherited from struct Number

*(other : Complex)
*(other : BigFloat) *
, +(other : BigFloat)
+(other : Complex)
+ +
, -(other : Complex)
-(other : BigFloat) -
, /(other : Complex) /, <=>(other : BigFloat)
<=>(other) <=>
, ==(other : Complex) ==, abs abs, abs2 abs2, cis cis, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range) clamp
, divmod(number) divmod, i i, round(digits, base = 10) round, sign sign, significant(digits, base = 10) significant, step(*, to = nil, by = 1, &block)
step(*, to = nil, by = 1) step
, to_big_f to_big_f, to_c to_c, to_yaml(yaml : YAML::Builder) to_yaml

Class methods inherited from struct Number

zero : self zero

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigFloat)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(Number)

<, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other) ==, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

!=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
===(other) ===
, =~(other) =~, class class, dup dup, hash hash, inspect(io : IO)
inspect inspect
, itself itself, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, tap(&block) tap, to_json(io : IO)
to_json to_json
, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ")
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ") to_pretty_json
, to_s
to_s(io : IO) to_s
, to_yaml(io : IO)
to_yaml to_yaml
, try(&block) try

Class methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String) : self
from_json(string_or_io) : self from_json
, from_yaml(string_or_io) : self from_yaml

Class Method Detail

def self.default_precisionSource

def self.default_precision=(prec : Int)Source

def : Float, precision : Int)Source

def : String)Source

def : Number)Source

def : LibGMP::MPF)Source

def self.newSource


Instance Method Detail

def *(other : Number)Source

def **(other : Int)Source

def +(other : Number)Source

def -(other : Number)Source

def -Source

def /(other : Number)Source

def <=>(other : BigFloat)Source

def <=>(other : Float)Source

def <=>(other : Int::Signed)Source

def <=>(other : Int::Unsigned)Source

def absSource

def ceilSource

def cloneSource

def floorSource

def hashSource

def inspect(io)Source

def to_big_fSource

def to_fSource

def to_f32Source

def to_f64Source

def to_iSource

def to_i16Source

def to_i32Source

def to_i64Source

def to_i8Source

def to_s(io : IO)Source

def to_uSource

def to_u16Source

def to_u32Source

def to_u64Source

def to_u8Source

def to_unsafeSource

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.





