

NodeJS v 4.2.0 and higher required to start. CodeceptJS is multi-backend testing framework. In this guide we will use webdriverio as backend but the same rules applies to other backends like Protractor or Nightmare.

Install CodeceptJS with WebDriverio using codeceptjs-webdriverio meta package from NPM.

You can install it globally:

[sudo] npm install -g codeceptjs-webdriverio

or locally

npm install codeceptjs-webdriverio --save-dev
  • To test with Nightmare install codeceptjs-nightmare package
  • To test with Protractor install codeceptjs-protractor package
  • For additional options see Installation guide.


Initialize CodeceptJS running:

codeceptjs init

It will create codecept.json config in current directory (or provide path in the first argument).

You will be asked for tests location (they will be searched in current dir by default).

On next step you are asked to select Helpers. Helpers include actions which can be used in tests. We recommend to start with WebDriverIO helper in order to write acceptance tests using webdriverio library and Selenium Server as test runner. If you want to test AngularJS application, use Protractor helper, or if you are more familiar with official Selenium Webdriver JS library, choose it. No matter what helper you've chosen they will be similar in use.

? What helpers do you want to use?
❯◉ WebDriverIO
 ◯ Protractor
 ◯ SeleniumWebdriver
 ◯ Nightmare
 ◯ FileSystem

Then you will be asked for an output directory. Logs, reports, and failure screenshots will be placed there.

? Where should logs, screenshots, and reports to be stored? ./output

If you are going to extend test suite by writing custom steps you should probably agree to create steps_file.js

? Would you like to extend I object with custom steps? Yes
? Where would you like to place custom steps? ./steps_file.js

WebDriverIO helper will ask for additional configuration as well:

? [WebDriverIO] Base url of site to be tested http://localhost
? [WebDriverIO] Browser in which testing will be performed (chrome)

If you agree with defaults, finish the installation.

Creating First Test

Tests can be easily created by running

codeceptjs gt

(or generate test)

Provide a test name and open generated file in your favorite JavaScript editor (with ES6 support).

Feature('My First Test');

Scenario('test something', (I) => {


Inside the scenario block you can write your first test scenario by using actions from WebDriverIO helper. Let's assume we have a web server on localhost is running and there is a Welcome text on the first page. The simplest test will look like this:

Feature('My First Test');

Scenario('test something', (I) => {

Prepare Selenium Server

To execute tests in Google Chrome browser running Selenium Server with ChromeDriver is required.

Use selenium-standalone from NPM to install and run them:

[sudo] npm install -g selenium-standalone
selenium-standalone install
selenium-standalone start

Alternatively Selenium Server with ChromeDriver can be installed and started manually.


Execute tests:

codeceptjs run --steps

steps option will display test execution process in console

If everything is done right, you will see in console:

My First Test --
  test something
   • I am on page "/"
   • I see "Welcome"
 ✓ OK

Congrats! Your first test is running.

Wasn't so hard, right?

© 2015 DavertMik <davert@codegyre.com> (http://codegyre.com)
Licensed under the MIT License.





