Advanced Usage

Advanced Usage


Currently CodeceptJS doesn't support groups or tags. However, you can append @tag to your test name, so all tests with @tag could be executed with --grep @tag option.

Scenario('update user profile @slow')
codeceptjs run --grep @slow

Use regex for more flexible filtering:

  • --grep (?=.*@smoke2)(?=.*@smoke3) - run tests with @smoke2 and @smoke3 in name
  • --grep @smoke2|@smoke3 - run tests with @smoke2 or @smoke3 in name
  • --grep ((?=.*@smoke2)(?=.*@smoke3))|@smoke4 - run tests with (@smoke2 and @smoke3) or @smoke4 in name
  • --grep (?=.*@smoke2)^(?!.*@smoke3) - run tests with @smoke2 but without @smoke3 in name


CodeceptJS provides a debug mode in which additional information is printed. It can be turned on with --debug flag.

codeceptjs run --debug

While running in debug mode you can pause execution and enter interactive console mode by using pause() function.

For advanced debugging use NodeJS debugger. In WebStorm IDE:

node $NODE_DEBUG_OPTION ./node_modules/.bin/codeceptjs run

Multiple Execution

CodeceptJS can execute multiple suites in parallel. This is useful if you want to execute same tests but on different browsers and with different configurations. Before using this feature you need to add multiple option to the config:

"multiple": {
  "basic": {
    // run all tests in chrome and firefox
    "browsers": ["chrome", "firefox"]

"smoke": {
  // run only tests containing "@smoke" in name
  "grep": '@smoke',

  // use firefox and different chrome configurations
  "browsers": [
    {browser: 'chrome', windowSize: 'maximize'},
    // replace any config values from WebDriverIO helper
    {browser: 'chrome', windowSize: '1200x840'}

Then tests can be executed using run-multiple command.

Run basic suite for all browsers

codeceptjs run-multiple basic

Run basic suite for chrome only:

codeceptjs run-multiple basic:chrome

Run basic suite for chrome and smoke for firefox

codeceptjs run-multiple basic:chrome somke:firefox

Run basic tests with grep and junit reporter

codeceptjs run-multiple basic --grep signin --reporter mocha-junit-reporter

Run regression tests specifying different config path:

codeceptjs run-multiple regression -c path/to/config

Run all suites for all browsers:

codeceptjs run-multiple --all

Each executed process uses custom folder for reports and output. It is stored in subfolder inside an output directory. Subfolders will be named in suite_browser format.

Output is printed for all running processes. Each line is tagged with a suite and browser name:

[basic:firefox] GitHub --
[basic:chrome] GitHub --
[basic:chrome]    it should not enter
[basic:chrome]  ✓ signin in 2869ms

[basic:chrome]   OK  | 1 passed   // 30s
[basic:firefox]    it should not enter
[basic:firefox]  ✖ signin in 2743ms

[basic:firefox] -- FAILURES:


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Licensed under the MIT License.





