Filesystem (Component\Filesystem)


class Filesystem

Provides basic utility to manipulate the file system.


copy(string $originFile, string $targetFile, bool $override = false)

Copies a file.

mkdir(string|array|Traversable $dirs, int $mode = 511)

Creates a directory recursively.

bool exists(string|array|Traversable $files)

Checks the existence of files or directories.

touch(string|array|Traversable $files, int $time = null, int $atime = null)

Sets access and modification time of file.

remove(string|array|Traversable $files)

Removes files or directories.

chmod(string|array|Traversable $files, int $mode, int $umask, bool $recursive = false)

Change mode for an array of files or directories.

chown(string|array|Traversable $files, string $user, bool $recursive = false)

Change the owner of an array of files or directories.

chgrp(string|array|Traversable $files, string $group, bool $recursive = false)

Change the group of an array of files or directories.

rename(string $origin, string $target, bool $overwrite = false)

Renames a file or a directory.

symlink(string $originDir, string $targetDir, bool $copyOnWindows = false)

Creates a symbolic link or copy a directory.

string makePathRelative(string $endPath, string $startPath)

Given an existing path, convert it to a path relative to a given starting path.

mirror(string $originDir, string $targetDir, Traversable $iterator = null, array $options = array())

Mirrors a directory to another.

bool isAbsolutePath(string $file)

Returns whether the file path is an absolute path.

string tempnam(string $dir, string $prefix)

Creates a temporary file with support for custom stream wrappers.

dumpFile(string $filename, string $content)

Atomically dumps content into a file.


public copy(string $originFile, string $targetFile, bool $override = false)

Copies a file.

This method only copies the file if the origin file is newer than the target file.

By default, if the target already exists, it is not overridden.


string $originFile The original filename
string $targetFile The target filename
bool $override Whether to override an existing file or not


FileNotFoundException When originFile doesn't exist
IOException When copy fails

public mkdir(string|array|Traversable $dirs, int $mode = 511)

Creates a directory recursively.


string|array|Traversable $dirs The directory path
int $mode The directory mode


IOException On any directory creation failure

public bool exists(string|array|Traversable $files)

Checks the existence of files or directories.


string|array|Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to check

Return Value

bool true if the file exists, false otherwise

public touch(string|array|Traversable $files, int $time = null, int $atime = null)

Sets access and modification time of file.


string|array|Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to create
int $time The touch time as a Unix timestamp
int $atime The access time as a Unix timestamp


IOException When touch fails

public remove(string|array|Traversable $files)

Removes files or directories.


string|array|Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to remove


IOException When removal fails

public chmod(string|array|Traversable $files, int $mode, int $umask, bool $recursive = false)

Change mode for an array of files or directories.


string|array|Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to change mode
int $mode The new mode (octal)
int $umask The mode mask (octal)
bool $recursive Whether change the mod recursively or not


IOException When the change fail

public chown(string|array|Traversable $files, string $user, bool $recursive = false)

Change the owner of an array of files or directories.


string|array|Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to change owner
string $user The new owner user name
bool $recursive Whether change the owner recursively or not


IOException When the change fail

public chgrp(string|array|Traversable $files, string $group, bool $recursive = false)

Change the group of an array of files or directories.


string|array|Traversable $files A filename, an array of files, or a \Traversable instance to change group
string $group The group name
bool $recursive Whether change the group recursively or not


IOException When the change fail

public rename(string $origin, string $target, bool $overwrite = false)

Renames a file or a directory.


string $origin The origin filename or directory
string $target The new filename or directory
bool $overwrite Whether to overwrite the target if it already exists


IOException When target file or directory already exists
IOException When origin cannot be renamed

Creates a symbolic link or copy a directory.


string $originDir The origin directory path
string $targetDir The symbolic link name
bool $copyOnWindows Whether to copy files if on Windows


IOException When symlink fails

public string makePathRelative(string $endPath, string $startPath)

Given an existing path, convert it to a path relative to a given starting path.


string $endPath Absolute path of target
string $startPath Absolute path where traversal begins

Return Value

string Path of target relative to starting path

public mirror(string $originDir, string $targetDir, Traversable $iterator = null, array $options = array())

Mirrors a directory to another.


string $originDir The origin directory
string $targetDir The target directory
Traversable $iterator A Traversable instance
array $options An array of boolean options Valid options are: - $options['override'] Whether to override an existing file on copy or not (see copy()) - $options['copyonwindows'] Whether to copy files instead of links on Windows (see symlink()) - $options['delete'] Whether to delete files that are not in the source directory (defaults to false)


IOException When file type is unknown

public bool isAbsolutePath(string $file)

Returns whether the file path is an absolute path.


string $file A file path

Return Value


public string tempnam(string $dir, string $prefix)

Creates a temporary file with support for custom stream wrappers.


string $dir The directory where the temporary filename will be created.
string $prefix The prefix of the generated temporary filename. Note: Windows uses only the first three characters of prefix.

Return Value

string The new temporary filename (with path), or throw an exception on failure.

public dumpFile(string $filename, string $content)

Atomically dumps content into a file.


string $filename The file to be written to.
string $content The data to write into the file.


IOException If the file cannot be written to.

© 2004–2016 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.





